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Fins And Legs




Genres: Science Fiction


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“Come on men, we need to make this storm, we need to find land,” Panic spread through me, if they find me, I fear for the worst, I try my best to lift the metal thing, but I cannot, it is too heavy “No… no,” I try once again and my fin pulls underneath out, I try my best to swim, but the bruises on my tail stop me, something splash into the water and panic once again spread through me, I cannot swim away.


The storm grows larger with each minute passing, I cannot remember the last time I saw one like this… a large shadow floats on top of me and fear struck me “What is that?” The current pulls strongly on my tail as I swim towards the shadow, I know I may not, but I need to know “Come on men, we need to make this storm, we need to find land,” My eyes stretch at the human voice, I have never heard them so close, his deep clear voice frightens me

Book Details

Book Type: Digital

ISBN-13: 9781005404123

Edition: 1

Publisher: Strange Soul


Language: English

Pages: 9

Interior: BW



28-year-old self published author .. in love with life and go with the flow type of craZzo :x:D haha I have been writing since the age of 8 and have ever since striven myself to become better at writing :) I do enjoy all types of genre's and I loVvve challenging myself :)

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