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Primary school teacher Annie Yates has a great job and friends she can count on, but her love life has never worked out the way she wanted. If it wasn't bad enough that, years ago, she fell madly in love with Jack Delaney before realising he was gay, now her new fiance has walked out on her. Her world has come crashing down. All she's ever wanted was security, love and a family of her own. Her plans for motherhood have gone out the door... or have they? Jack, now Annie's best friend, wants to co-parent together. Plenty of women have babies and end up co-parenting, so what's so bad about starting out that way? This is a second chance she never expected, but nothing ever did go smoothly for Annie. Is having a baby with your gay best friend a recipe for disaster, or could this be the platonic love story Annie had never imagined?

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9780645019308

Publisher: Larissa Johns


Language: English

Pages: 254

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


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