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LIFE (Kindle Edition)




Genres: Children's Books

Book Type:Digital

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Do you find trouble with your life? Do you know the actual meaning of life? Do you need help to overcome your depression? There are a lot of unanswered questions in your mind. Science and Philosophy may not always reveal them. Among all the questions, you may often feel, "What is life?". What is the definition of life? What is love, affection, relationships, kinship, and so more? This book is a masterpiece that answers questions that exist in your mind. She wrote this book because you need it. Yurie Tada is a former nurse in Japan.Yurie was diagnosed as bipolar in her teens and overcame it. In 2019, Yurie was diagnosed with Leukemia and faced death. then, She came to know the preciousness of life. Yurie tried to share her experience with much deeper thinking and philosophy. The Life is a poetic essay book written in easy English. This book is readable for all ages. Both kids and adults will enjoy this writing. The book 'Life' will improve your thinking and personality. This will care about all your personal relationships. This book will let you go with your heart and helps to solve all disappointment. This is the ultimate goal of the book. Yurie's 'Life' is a great asset and guide for your bright future. Besides, The book is more charming and informed with Saki Yokoyama’s illustrations. All illustrations are perfectly polished with inner senses. The ultimate goal of the book 'Life' is to make you think and rethink before taking any steps. This is a life-changing book.

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