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LeeAnn Roberts







Born and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland UK. I lived in Spain as a dancer and model. I am a #publishedAuthor of book one of my trilogy of supernatural forbidden love story book one is now published on July 29th 2022 The feedback has been incredible 5* book and they're crying out for book two. ACTIVELY looking for an #agent now I'm published. @agents. I need one so send me a message if interested in representing me please. I am brave, confidedent and a risk taker. Was going to take book one to Cannes film festival but my partner pulled out. Immortal Magic is now published and everyone thinks they would make amazing movies or a TV show because with all the powerful magic of Angel, and 1000 year old Prince Michael's vampire powers, and forbidden Iove, action and its consequences it would look epic on screen. I am easy to work with and love any advice from professionals. I take on board what has been told to me and will make creative and practical changes as required, open to new ideas and thrive on constructive criticism. Gaining quite a few followers on my Facebook book page and instagram. Advice on writing...write a story you would want to read. Further advice think of the first draft as you just telling yourself the story. I am incredibly creative not just for myself but in helping others, as I always have so many ideas on how to creatively do things for their work. I also do a series on pro writing tips on all my social media platforms as I believe in #writershelpingwriters and if my advice or creativity helps people then thats the goal. I have BA Honours degree in English Literature and Advanved Creative Writing. Currently studying for my Advanved Creative writing Masters degree. I'm Strangely excited studying again and, of course, to have more letters after my name lol. (next stop PHD?) I'm also currently doing a diploma on editing and proofreading. I have so many story ideas 💡 I need to keep a list. At some point I'm also going to write my dad's life story he was the leader of Glasgows top gang back in the day and has had a VERY colourful past so it will be a good read. I have to keep a book with all my ideas in it lol. I love creating stories and characters and get lost in writing about Their world. #creativewriting #creativity #somanyideas 🚀🎭🔥🔥🌟

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