Authors, Promote And Or Sell Your Ebooks In Ebooklingo's Online Social Retail Marketplace For Money Or For Free Today!
Note: is an online social retail marketplace, we are not a publisher or wholesaler.
Creating a FREE account with us today will allow you to do the following:
- Promote and or sell your ebooks for money or for FREE.
- Set your own price for your ebook or sell it for FREE.
- You may sell the following ebook formats (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .pdb, .epub, .mobi, .lrf, .txt, .html, .htm or a .pdf).
- An ISBN is optional to sell your ebook.
- You keep the rights to your ebook.
- Claim your ebook earnings using your PayPal account.
- Allow potential buyers to offer a price for your ebooks.
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- Interact with your readers as well as other authors and much more!
- You can view our Fees Here which are only charged when you sell an ebook.