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Everyone has at least one weakness. Mitch Wilder’s is women. He has always been fussed over, coddled and protected by them. As a teenager, he was the star football quarterback, always surrounded by girls, as he used his good looks and popularity to his advantage. By thirty-nine years of age, he hasn’t slowed down. Mitch still sneaks from bedroom to bedroom. When his father dies in 1967 Mitch’s world starts to fray at the seams. His father’s will states that Mitch has inherited the shipping company, which Mitch has been running for eight years, ever since his father retired. But up until then, the company had remained in his father’s name. While the inheritance isn’t a surprise, the stipulation that Mitch must hire his stepbrother, Tom Fleming, is. On top of this, Tom will own half the company within five years. If this doesn’t happen the company will be sold, and the proceeds will go to charity. Mitch sees no choice but to hire his brother. Other than the fact that Mitch hates Tom, he has also discovered that Tom had an affair with the woman Mitch loves, Claire Lester. He comes up with a plan: to convince Claire to marry him and keep her away from Tom.

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781983079528

ISBN-10: 1983079529


Language: English

Pages: 422

Keywords: , , , ,


Deborah Tadema received a diploma in “Short Story and Fiction Writing.” Following this, she completed three levels of a creative writing course. She currently belongs to a writing group and has her work critiqued on a regular basis. She is the author of The Honor Series, and The Sievers Series. Plus Bessie: The Monster in Lake Erie. And Silent Wings. Deb grew up in Port Stanley, Ontario, the eldest of six children. She met her first husband in high school, moved to St. Thomas and had two daughters. Many years later she gained two stepsons when she married her current husband. They have nine grandchildren and live near the village of Bayfield.

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