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Mafia And His Broken Angel




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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(Warning: This book contains 18+ contents)"Angel, you are mine to break, mine to heal. Nothing can save you from me but me." He said like a maniac."A broken thing which is beyond repair can't be healed, but only can be crushed." She let out a humorless laugh.She was hurt, damaged. But never lost her belief in God. Hard life compelled her to become strong. She is extremely stubborn. But, same time she was selfless and innocent like an angel. Deep inside her, she was a pure soul craving for true love.But he was intimidating, ruthless. Kindness was a foreign word to him. His world revolves around Cruelty, Violence, Bloodshed. He gets whatever he wants. Love was a valueless emotion to him that only makes people weak. He likes when people fear him and when people beg for his mercy. He trusts none and gives betrayers worse punishments than death.What will happen when mafia, the devil will meet with this broken angel? Their path will be hard, craggy. Will he break her more than she is or heal her???

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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