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My Two Alphas ( Hybrid Aria book 5)




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Tyson and Ace, two twin hybrid brothers direct descendants of the moon goddess, thought life wouldn't get any more complicated than being raised by their older brother, the Lycan king. When their older brother finds his mate, they learn she has a missing daughter and help find her, bringing her home. Only when they do they can't help but feel drawn to the young girl, and on their sixteenth birthday, they find out she is their mate, the girl they helped raise, their brother's stepdaughter was to be theirs, though Lucy was twelve they and they help practically raised her. However, Lucy is no ordinary hybrid but a mutated version like her mother. There is just one problem: she has no wolf. Scientists experimented on her as a child, killing her wolf counterpart and leaving her more vampire than a wolf. Not only do they have to wait for her to grow up, but they also have to hope she recognizes them when she does. Lucy has always been different, being a mutation of her hybrid mother, raised by her stepfather, the Lycan king, and his two Twin brothers. Lucy spent most of her life in captivity before her mother and stepfather freed her along with those in the facility. Little does she know that the two young men that have always been by her side since she was a child and helped raise her are hiding a secret. She is their mate; what happens when Lucy finds out that not only are they her mates but they knew all along, can she look at them as anything more than family, but now she understood why she was always drawn to them, drawn to the twin brothers. Will she trust fate, or will she reject them?

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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