The hilarity ensues when the body of an unidentified child is found under the bed during an open house. Alive or dead? Murder or myth?
One family claims to know the shocking truth, no matter how far fetched the surrounding circumstances. Wrapped inside this intriguing mystery are eye witness accounts and compelling evidence to separate truth from fantasy.
From award winning author and visionary creator G. S. Gerry comes the critically acclaimed debut Meth Murder & Amazon.
A humorous, suspense filled rollercoaster that goes downhill as quickly as a methamphetamine rush. This plot twisting symphony of laughter, absurdity, & betrayal will leave you speechless. Wondering how far one father will go to rescue his family from the unthinkable.
Author G. S. Gerry presents a witty, gripping read that will keep you guessing and pulls you to the edge of your seat until the very end. Buying and Selling will never be the same!
Decide for yourself whether this story is urban legend or something more. Fans of Hunter S. Thompson and Lemony Snicket won’t be able to put down this adrenaline-charged thrill ride.