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Unforeseen Marriage




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Ashley John had just divorced his sixth wife yet he's only thirty-two-years old. He was determined to have Alma Andrew as his next wife. Alma Andrew determined strongly never to marry Ashley John despite the fact that Ashley John was the CEO of the biggest business empire in the country. He was also fearlessly handsome. Alma Andrew did not have a dream of marrying a man that will later divorce her, she knew Ashley John only marries women and dumps them. Two months after Ashley John had made his intentions known to Alma Andrew, she went to the hospital because she wasn't feeling too good, surprisingly to her, the doctor told her she was two months pregnant. While trying to make a meaning of the doctor's word, Ashley John walked in glamorously and said "We can now get married, your pregnancy is mine."

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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