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Mated To The Hybrid Alpha




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Alexa Today is my birthday, which is supposed to be a happy day. But I only have fear, because .... "You're going to be under my body the moment you clock twenty," his words echoed in my head. Alpha Diaz, the evil, betrayer who killed my whole family! I will never be his bed-warmer! Never! I must escape from here! *** Alpha Lyell "MATE! She is our mate! We must get close to mate... I've never smelt this before! It's her...we must get to her! Mate! Mate!" What my wolf said made me freeze. Mate? Just as I was about to freak out, sniffing the hair like a fucking hound dog and barging recklessly into the palace grounds to look for proof, I saw a feminine figure. She raised her head to meet my gaze and just like that, I was frozen. I didn't expect it to be her... *** Alpha Diaz "How did a female escape the watch of an able-bodied man?" I looked down at the weasel bowing at my feet. I sat up my throne and turned to the nitwits that were supposed to be guarding her room. "S....sire, it was my fault. Sh...she used the-" I got off my throne and climbed down the stairs. I stopped in front of Kona, the one who was supposed to be guarding my toy's room. I bent to his height and pulled his chin up with my finger. "Find her and bring her to me alive." "What about the wolf, My Lord?" Yes, the wolf. Her MATE. "Kill him."

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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