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Planning a Wedding the Wedding Planner Way
Genres: Advice & How-To, Weddings
Book Type:Digital
Recent Posts
Let's face it. Planning a wedding is a full-time job. Whether you're the to-be wed or planning someone else's wedding, you know your to-do list will be long and the days never long enough. Other things in your life will take a back seat, but they don't have to.
Planning a Wedding the Wedding Planner Way is the quintessential guide to planning a wedding like the professionals without the high price tag. With over a decade of experience of a wedding planner and on-the-day coordinator in one place, this will be the only book you need.
Inside you'll find everything you need and many things you didn't know you'd need to know like:
Choosing a wedding style, what to hire for a marquee wedding, hiring a photographer, picking a wedding cake, writing vows, organising the seating plan, traditions, real-life wedding situations to avoid, wedding day timeline, and so much more!
Make this special day the best day ever with a little help from this must-have guide. Avoid pitfalls, mishaps, and miscommunications, with real-life situations, and make your wedding dreams, or those of someone in your life, come true.
Book Details
Book Type: Digital
Language: English
Interior: BW
Keywords: wedding planning, wedding planner, wedding advice, getting married
Hashtags: #Advice #HowTo #Weddings #weddingplanning #weddingplanner #weddingadvice #gettingmarried #Amazon #Kindle
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