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Mail Order Bride: The Lonely Pioneer and The Cripple Bride - LILLY (A Clean Western Historical Romance) (Mail Order Bride Agency Book 1)




Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance, Westerns

Book Type:Digital

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Lilly Gable is a woman caught in two world— one of reality and the other of dreams unlikely to come true. Born with one leg shorter than the other, she has very little hope of ever finding a man willing to overlook her disability. However, she is at peace, knowing that the Lord loves her and is in control of her destiny. Then her sister Violet opens the door that could give Lilly the future she longs for: A chance to have her own family. The risks are huge but the rewards high. Charles Jones is a simple Christian man whose only wish is to marry an equally God-fearing woman. He’s not prepared though, for a disabled woman and meeting Lilly tests his faith severely. Can Charles resolve his past problems and see Lilly for who she is? How long will Lilly continue in a loveless marriage with a man who cannot bear to look at her? The Lonely Farmer & The Cripple Bride is a Clean Western Historical Romance about a mail order marriage arranged by the Lexington Agency. If you wish to read further stories from the authorr these are available for just $0.99 or ALWAYS FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Hope Sinclair writes clean, inspirational, western romance stories that always have a good old fashioned happy ending.

Book Details

Book Type: Digital

Publisher: CleanandWholesomeRomance


Language: English

Keywords: , , , ,


Group of Indie authors publishing Clean and Wholesome romance books on Amazon. Main Authors are Regina Darcy and Hope Sinclair. Author page below:

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