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News from the dream... With Spring Break 2022 behind us, I wanted to pop in and let everyone in on what's going on behind the scenes. Four Horsemen will launch everywhere on March 31st! In other news... Draoithe is continuing to publish on Radish and is slowly taking off. Ruler of the Mind is currently publishing there for free as well as on and Medium. Once it finishes its serial jaunt. I will publish it wide everywhere. So if you enjoy reading on any platform check me out. If you know of others who read on serial apps or subscription platforms, feel free to spread the word. I have mentioned before that my books are available with AI audio on so if you can't read and need to hear the dream, there is a way to have Draoithe as an audiobook. I'm pushing on with the writing, but my spring break week was filled with all the things I haven't had time to do because I'm always working. Not much of a true vacation, but with gas prices soaring, it was better than driving. I would love to create character study art or even collaborate with an artist to turn some of the stories into graphic novels. I so wish I could draw, but sadly that is not one of my talents. Maybe someday. For those of you who read these blogs for the publishing and marketing side of things, I've learned that I can drive traffic with Twitter, but converting that traffic into paying customers or even gaining email subscribers on my website is still seriously difficult. I know many tout Facebook, but I can't get it to do anything unless I'm paying and then I never see the results on my website that Facebook claims. The latest greatest thing seems to be Tiktok, but I have not had grand luck with that either. (Mostly I watch cats, dogs, and a few good storytellers and an hour later I wonder what I am supposed to be doing.) I would still counsel you to tinker with the social media platforms that work best for you. Due to a couple of financial setbacks, my attempt to increase visibility for the books through paid newsletters has once again been put on hold. Having a $0 ad budget is frustrating, but the Twitter following continues to grow. I have redoubled my efforts to continue to expand the availability of the Draoithe Saga by placing more stories on Radish, adding more content to, and also offering exclusives from the Payhip site. As soon as I can move forward with my plans to stack paid newsletters, I will report back on the success or failure. Upcoming Releases Grim Reaper, the final tale in the Apocalypse Averted miniseries is getting the final polishing touches. I'm shooting to publish in May. It will soft launch on the Payhip site first and be available as a preorder everywhere else. It is far more urban fantasy and magical realism than paranormal romance, but it wraps up the Apocalypse Averted miniseries quite nicely. As a bonus, it will likely price at $2.99. I'm also toying with the idea of adding the Gods of the Dream miniseries to Kindle Vella and Radish when I finish it. It's looking as if it will be a duet. It's set in the dream, but five years after the events of the Draoithe Saga. Neither tale is complete so don't hold your breath, but eventually. I know I have been guilty of jumping the gun in the past. I wanted to launch the UnFallen on Kindle Vella when that new platform was unveiled by Amazon. Unfortunately, I can't write that fast. The story got bogged down and I haven't even come close to finishing the first tale in that steamy angel series yet. So if you're wondering, I'm still working on that. The research film will be crazy when I finish it. Shoutouts Sho Okumoto, (Shogun Wick) read Darkest Desire and gave it a five-star review on Amazon. "Shogun Wick A Brilliant Fantasy Book! March 10, 2022 Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase An excellent and entertaining book! Ophelia Kee delivers a stunningly amazing story, that will get you hooked from the start till the end! An exciting book, written by an incredible author, I highly recommend, Darkest Desire! 5 Stars!" I'm so thrilled. You have no idea how hard I work on the stories to make them as awesome as possible. To have a review like that from out of the blue is beyond super cool. Thank you, Shogun Wick. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you thought about my story. I better head out. There's still work to be done. I hope everyone had an excellent spring break. When you read, please be kind and leave your reviews. Be Careful! Happy Reading, Ophelia Kee

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