
Herb Woman by Freya Pickard E-Boxset in The Kaerling series containing volumes 10-12. Join the Journey today! The companions’ journey takes them across a vast, dangerous ocean and their relationships, tenuous at best, become even more strained. “Freya has a wonderful grasp on storytelling and the written word. She has the one thing that is hardest to find in a writer and that’s a smooth dance of words. All of the beats are just right whether it’s a sentence or a paragraph.” Chris S As the King’s Assassin, Ashlar Slate, continues to pursue the four companions, threats also assail them from elsewhere; pirates and a deadly poison. This is the fourth book in The Kaerling Paperback series. Join the journey before it ends! If you enjoy tales by Robert Holdstock, Tara Saunders and a Frank Herbert, you’ll love The Kaerling series!
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Belira by Freya Pickard The latest volume of The Kaerling series ... They’ve been driven underground by a fire-breathing monster, but who is behind them now? I could almost feel like I was there with them because the descriptions were very vivid. Elizabeth B Lored and Otta must set aside their differences in order to survive a long, dark journey in the bowels of the earth. With invisible pursuers behind them, the two companions must stay ahead of those who wish them harm as they seek to find a way through the maze of tunnels in a deserted Belira mine. As Otta’s powers wax with each mile they walk, Lored’s taku-kevir talent weakens. Who will survive to see the sun once more? This dark fantasy series takes the reader on a believable journey into the heart of darkness itself. If you enjoy books by George RR Martin, JRR Tolkien and Tara Saunders, you will love this story! The Kaerling is a series of linked novellas that can be read individually as well as in chronological order. Discover more at and
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Ambassador is just 99c until 17th May 2023! Trapped in Aura Vere, the twins must survive, without being discovered by the kaerlings. “I simply adored reading Ambassador and look forward to the sequel!” C Messelodi In a case of mistaken identity, Otta is assumed to be a kaerling ambassador and finds refuge in Aura Vere. The shrineless god instructs Otta to find out about the mythical unicorn in Aura Vere's library, but, as her fascination with the kaerlings increases, her studies decline When it becomes clear that the kaerlings are aware of Otta's presence in the city, she and Erl must find a way of leaving in secret, before the foreign ambassadors find her. Ambassador continues the epic saga that began in Silver Fire.

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Dead Man's Witness is available now! Lored finally has enough evidence to clear the herb woman, but can his claims absolve Rue of the charges of murder? "I really love Freya’s writing. It's both poetic and smooth, and never seems overblown or too wordy. Very professional. I also love the pacing. I never became bored. I jumped into the tale at book 10 and I never once felt disjointed or confused." Chris S If you enjoy novels set in other worlds such as Middle Earth and Osten Ard, you will love The Kaerling series!

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This Is Me is now available online! Another biographical offering from Freya Pickard, tracing her development both as a person and a poet from her early twenties to mid-forties. Freya Pickard is a cancer survivor, whose fight for life has forever changed her. These changes are reflected in a variety of poems she permits to be published here. Initially determined to be single, Freya reveals what it was like to discover her soulmate. Enjoying physical and mental fitness, she tells how she struggles post cancer. Always an observer, Freya looks within and without to catalogue her journey through an eventful life. You don’t need to have read either Insides or My Mythology, but if you have, you’ll find This Is Me continues the threads of imagination and post-cancer trauma.

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My Mythology by Freya Pickard A collection of poems inspired by myth and legend. Will you dare to walk on the fringes of fear or glance into the blank mirror? Are you brave enough to stand before the thunder god or receive the sun lord's gifts? Can you survive the bewitching ocean song or escape from zombie mushrooms? Currently FREE at Kobo, Nook, iBooks & other online stores! Only 99c on Kindle! These poems create a rich tapestry of old tale and belief. Creatures of beauty exist alongside monsters of terror. Both shadow and light are reflected in these verses.

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Elkadanu Volume 9 of The Kaerling is just 99c until 30th May 2022! As Lored attempts to investigate the truth of the charges brought against Rue, the herb woman, Tari tries to hide her insecurities and doubts behind a facade of serenity. “This is a fantastic read. The characters are all well drawn and the landscape through which the characters move is familiar and easily imaginable, yet quite magical as well.” W Thomas Lored and Tari must keep the twins' presence on the Isle of Kiros a secret, as the taku-kevir starts to question witnesses to events that happened over a year before. But Lored's investigations are hampered by the Kirridian fascination for horse-racing. If Lored can't free the herb woman from prison, he and Otta (who is in hiding) won't be able to travel north to continue their pursuit of the kaerlings who have abducted Lally and Derri. This fantasy tale will grip you from page one and won't let you go until you've read every single volume in the series! If you enjoy Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Tad Williams and/or JRR Tolkien, you'll love The Kaerling.

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The Essence of Thyme by Freya Pickard is just 99c until 30th November 2021. Grab your copy now from either Amazon, Nook, Kobo or iTunes. What is The Essence of Thyme about? Sleeping Beauty with a twist! “I love Dracogmagan’s character. She’s great: irreverent, mouthy and full of attitude.” DoctorWolf For once, Parsley's in the limelight as she and Dracomagan set out to rescue the son of Lord Thyme. But many things stand in Parsley's way; an impenetrable forest, a silent castle and a strange green orb... If Parsley and Dracomagan can't reach Lord Thyme's son soon, he may die or worse, become enslaved to an evil sorceress! This is a humourous take on a well-loved fairy tale with role reversals on every page!

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Uneasy Allies is just 99c until 24th September! Grab it now at both Amazon and many other online stores, before the price rises! Uneasy Allies by Freya Pickard Five disparate people drawn together in pursuit of one goal. "I so enjoyed the latest instalment of The Kaerling. The action was pacy and compelling. The characters had really settled into themselves and were well-rounded. I read it all in one sitting and was totally engrossed!" Jenny Poulter Their mission was simple – to rescue Lally and Derri from the evil kaerlings. But catching up with the kaerlings proves to be anything but simple, and the five companions discover that they can't completely trust each other. This is the seventh volume in the epic saga that is The Kaerling.

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