
Do men who think like real men still exist in our society of today? Men of truth who are never absent from being of service to our masculine conscience. Men who can ask themselves hard questions and seek the answers that will be beneficial and of significant interest to our emotional consciousness. In our current dynamic social settings as men who ought to be responsible for our masculine spirituality are we ever sure about what to do with thought, love and our mentality in the midst of femininity, innocence and vulnerability? Our burgeoning masculine order is alerting us to note what we men are forgetting about our masculine essence. We men must investigate the reasons we could be forsaking our masculinity not by truth and lying to ourselves and others about the effects sincerity can have on our character, ego and pride. This written work is for us men who truly want to know what has lied to us in our past about our true masculinity and whether it is possible for a man to find pure masculinity. Finding our path to completing pure femininity for the sake of our innocent in our roles is given a serious address in this work for especially South African men who are about their masculine commitments.

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