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Media buying 101




Genres: Advice & How-To, Business & Money, Society & Culture


eBook Options:.doc,.pdf

Refunds Allowed:No

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Everyone would love an endless supply of free, high quality traffic. The thought of this is one of the biggest scams on the internet, because without a huge amount of time and energy invested, it just doesn’t exist. That’s not to say you can’t get a lot of traffic without spending any money. You can. It just takes either a long, long time and lots of hard work building a foundation, or it takes dumb, blind luck because a post happens to go viral or get picked up by a major news outlet. It’s not realistic for the average website owner

eBook Details

File Size: 1.96 MB (.doc), 241.61 KB (.pdf)


Language: English

Pages: 21

Keywords: , , ,


Refunds: No

Hello, I'm Ivana. I'm coming from a little country in Europe, Croatia. I'm a writer and a reseller, I also paint sometimes. At the moment I'm writing a book about car maintenance, but in the future I want to write a book about crime and mystery.

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