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Drink To Prevent Cancer (15 Cancer Fighting Ingredients For Your Juice) Ebook




Genres: Advice & How-To, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting


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Protect Your Health With Powerful Plant Foods And Convenient Liquid Nutrition! Learn how certain fruits and vegetables guard your body from various cancers!

Juicing is a healthy practice that has allowed millions of people to boost their nutrition. Juicing fruits and vegetables provides you important antioxidants, which scavenge for oxygen free radicals that can damage cellular structures, including DNA. When DNA is damaged, it can result in mutations that lead to cancer.

Well-balanced nutrition from a variety of healthy whole foods helps support and maintain on going good health, and experts agree that nutrition plays a key role in preventing chronic and terminal illness. Juicing is practiced by millions around the world and it is an easy and convenient way to get plant nutrition into the body to do its magic.

When juicing is done right, that is when the majority of your juice blends is comprised of vegetables and very low sugar fruit you can easily boost your nutritional intake thereby improving your health and lower your risks for cancer.

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File Size: 3.52 MB (.pdf)


Language: English

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