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7 Days of Unstoppable Horror




Genres: Horror, Mystery, Romance


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A lovely family was forced to move out of their home, due to unusual circumstances. The family enjoyed living lavish, but now they had to downgrade. Although, they had to downgrade, their stubborn attitude was not going to let them give up on each other, for support. They now live in a new brick style house that is located in a private secluded wooded area with a dark brown wooden front door and bonfire in their fenced backyard. The home black hardwood floors are beautiful with the white walls that are inside of the home. The mother (Kiara) 30, the father (Gerald) 35, the daughter (April) 17, and the brother (Lewis) 9, are all excited for their new home. Kiara is a native from Georgia and Lewis is a native from Florida. However, their children April and Lewis are both natives of Georgia. Kiara has a hobby for cooking, she also works at a local restaurant as a baker. Gerald likes to fix on cars, he has a job as an Auto Mechanic. April and Lewis are just good honor roll students in school. WARNING: THE ENDING REMAINS A MYSTERY!!!

eBook Details

File Size: 593.08 KB (.epub)

ISBN-13: 9783743865273

Publisher: BookRix


Language: English

Keywords: , , , ,


Refunds: No

Diamond A. Jones is an author, published writer, producer, and screenplay writer. Her very first book that she wrote was a complete short screenplay, but she decided to turn it into a book. It successfully sold within 2-4 weeks of publishing, which is 7 Days of Unstoppable Horror. She has been into creative writing for over 11 years and is a graduate with a degree in Media Communications with some minor courses in screenplay writing. She was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Her favorite genre is horror, although she diversifies her books to a wide range of audiences to satisfy everyone. Email: [email protected]

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