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A Short Erotic Quickie With Mrs. T: The White Swimsuit




Genres: Erotica


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Back again with another quickie with Mrs. T. it's only been a few hours since we had so much fun on the beach, now we are stuck in the house. A rainstorm came out of nowhere. She had plans for me back at the beach. Instead, she made them come through in the master suite. Wearing the white swimsuit she once more got us playing in no time.

eBook Details

File Size: 321.27 KB (.epub)

ISBN-13: 9781005265335

Publisher: WritingsForTheMuse


Language: English

Keywords: , , ,


Refunds: No

A group of weird people who get together and write everything between extremely naughty taboo to the sweetest erotica. It can be prose, explicit, graphic or just pure hints. It all depends on who's penned the story. Follow us and get to know us. We have a tendency to be overly social and drunk :-) Hope you don't mind!

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