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Nonclassical Love Triangle




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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"Girl, I need to break up with you." "For what?" "Nothing special, I just don't love you anymore." When Nate broke up with Loretta, he left some hurting words, then left her. Loretta was heartbroken. She wished Nate could back to her, but he didn't. One day, when they met at a friend's wedding, Nate treated her rudely. Loretta felt sad and ran away, not knowing the danger was coming. She was curious to find why Nate broke up with her, so she tracked Nate in a nightclub. Unexpectedly, she was taken away by a stranger and was imprisoned. It seemed all she suffered was because of Nate. As the kidnapper abused her, Nate showed up and protected her with his body. She wouldn't know how much Nate loved her until she knew Nate's secret.

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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