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Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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"Divorce, now!" "What? I am single!" On the first day of marriage, Sapphira was requested by her husband, Jerzy to divorce. She didn't know how she got married. But Jerzy believed it was she who schemed the marriage! What's more, she was misunderstood by him as a nasty woman who coveted his body, just because she liked him. But it turned out, this arranged marriage was a ploy by both their families! With a crush on him, she offered a two-year time limit, trying to get him to fall in love with her. But all he wanted was a divorce! And after he was told that the only way to get a divorce was making her conceive a baby... That night, he threw her to a bed and tore her clothes, "Is this what you want? Well then, I'll grant your wish!"

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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