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My Unwanted Husband is A Secret Billionaire




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Candice never imagined she would have to marry a man who had been to prison and was extremely poor, but when her father kidnapped her mother to avoid breaking a promise, she had no choice but to take her sister's place. However, the man she thought would be terrifying turned out to be kind and respectful, giving her a sense of security she never expected. But when she discovers her husband's hidden identity, everything she thought she knew about him - and herself - is turned upside down. On their wedding night, Candice's heart was pounding in her throat. As she closed her eyes, she felt a force wrap around her waist and she fell into his arms, only to be pushed onto the bed. Her mind went blank as she realized there was much more to her husband than met the eye. As she tentatively reached out her hand to hook around his neck, she whispered, "You're my husband, so it's okay to do anything to me... shall we start?" Little did she know, this was only the beginning of a dangerous game of secrets and desire that would test the limits of her love and loyalty.

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