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The Alpha King's Tenth Mistress




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Valine is odd in every way of being an average werewolf but her oddness causes her to flee from her pack in order to save herself. A lady intervened to save her, only to drag her into yet another pit from which she is now unable to escape since she had to defend someone until her due was paid. She was determined to do her final task to finally be free, and she knew it in every fiber of her being. Dimitri—the Alpha King, the name itself was enough to bring fear to anyone. He was the highest and strongest person in the Werewolf community—the leader of all alphas. He was a living beast and also known for keeping mistresses. Weak werewolves are what he despises the most and finding that his mate was one, leads him to give his destined mate a title of a mistress instead of a Luna.

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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