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These Unnatural Men




Genres: Science Fiction

Book Type:Print & Digital

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The public call her a cold-blooded murderer. An executioner. A killer for hire. Nieve Hindeman is a euthanasist. She is one of hundreds of professionals relieving patients of their pain every day. To her, euthanasia is simply a medical solution to a medical problem. But when Nieve starts to treat a voluntary patient - a man who is physically healthy but choosing to die - she starts to question the work she does. How can she prove that someone's desire to die is genuine? Can a patient ever be psychologically terminally ill? And is a life ever not worth saving?

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781999580605

Publisher: Bothersome Books


Language: English

Pages: 280

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


Emily Babb is an author, copywriter and blogger. Due to her morbid fascination with bleak literature, in 2012 Emily created Dystopic (, a blog that predominantly focuses on dystopian, post-apocalyptic and speculative fiction. Her debut novel, These Unnatural Men, was self-published in 2018. In 2020 she self-published Foreground, a collection of dark short stories. She currently lives in Southend-on-Sea with partner Carl Doherty (, a mischief of rescue rats and a rescue dog named Dobby.

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