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Touch In The Dark




Genres: Erotica, Romance

Book Type:Digital

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"Stop, please, No." She cried bringing her palms in front to push him more. "Why? Don't you know that you would be found easily? No matter what?" He rasped bringing his mouth close to her ears sniffing the unique fragrance she had. "Don't do this please." She cried in her miserable state. "Why? Don't you know, you are already ........" "Stop, Please... No...Don't...." She put her palms on her ears to turn herself deaf to avoid listening to those words. "STRIP" He pulled her hands away and made sure to burn her ears with one particular word. Vincenzo Moretti, Capo Dei Capi or known as Godfather has everything the way he wants. Evelyn Rossi, a sweet innocent girl had nothing to do with the world of Mafia until she made a mistake and buried that secret deep inside her heart. Leaving the country she started a new peaceful life until he arrived and opened the darkest chapter of her life. And this time she had no way to run or hide. Because he was determined to make her pay for everything.

Book Details

Book Type: Digital

Publisher: Booknet, ireader


Language: English

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


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