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Genres: Advice & How-To, Nonfiction



Book Type:Print

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The purpose of this daily positive affirmations workbook is to accept new thoughts/emotions that generate new beliefs and reorganize our minds, producing high energies. In this way, generating higher emotions or vibrations, we will connect with our desires, materializing them with minimal effort. This series of workbooks, notebooks, diaries, planners, and logbooks are the most powerful tools to help you manifest your dream life so that you master the Universal Law of Attraction by practicing, practicing. This is not an ordinary affirmation workbook; it is a useful tool for practicing manifestation daily and pulling your deepest wishes out of your deep mind until you can effortlessly see their tangible expressions. Make a small investment in yourself, act now, and live the best version of Yourself.


This series of workbooks, notebooks, diaries, planners, and logbooks are the most powerful tools to help you manifest your dream life so that you master the Universal Law of Attraction by practicing, practicing. This is not an ordinary affirmation workbook; it is a useful tool for practicing manifestation daily and pulling your deepest wishes out of your deep mind until you can effortlessly see their tangible expressions. Make a small investment in yourself, act now, and live the best version of Yourself.

Book Details

Book Type: Print

ISBN-13: 9798787105384

Publisher: Q. Rigal


Language: English

Pages: 186

Interior: BW

Keywords: , ,


I was born in South America, Venezuela. Since a child, I feel like having somebody available teaching me whatever I want to know; obeying this "invisible advisor" self-learning, discipline, and responsibilities have been easy skills in my life.

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