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Child Safety Lockdown (The Best Ways To Keep Youth Of All Ages Safe And Secure) Ebook
Genres: Advice & How-To, Parenting & Family, Reference
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The world is full of never-ending dangers, but you can still keep your kids safe ... Discover How To Keep Kids Safe From The Dangers of The World And Prevent Accidents Using This UP-TO-DATE Child Safety Course!
At one time, protecting your children was as easy as ensuring they were in at dark, brushed their teeth and had a delicious and healthy dinner. The world has changed throughout the years, however, and nowadays it is a much scarier place to live than we ever could have imagined 15 or 20 years ago.
It seems that we live in a world where dangers lurk at every corner; especially for the harmless, helpless children that we love so dearly. Keeping your kids safe is a never-ending, tireless task, yet one that you'd go to great lengths to secure for the most precious beings in your life.
From the very first day that you bring your children home from the hospital until the day that you leave this earth, protecting your kids from harm is something that you'd go to great lengths to do. Friends and family are always there to provide you with advice and guidance for child-rearing and maintaining their safety and while their advice is always meant-well and accepted, it sometimes isn't accurate, up-to-date, or something that you'd ever consider as a parent.
Since there is no manual for child safety and the advice of others may not always be the best, it is up to you to ensure that you are always aware of the right ways of protecting your little ones. With this guide you'll learn professional tips and advice for child safety. Whether you're the parent of a baby, a toddler, or a school-aged child or teenager, the information inside of this course is provided to you in an effort to help you keep the people that you love most in life safe no matter where life may take them.
eBook Details
File Size: 9.13 MB (.pdf)
Language: English
Keywords: child safety, school safety, childcare safety, outdoor safety, stranger safety
Hashtags: #Advice #HowTo #Parenting #Family #Reference #childsafety #schoolsafety #childcaresafety #outdoorsafety #strangersafety
Refunds: No
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