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Genres: Teen & Young Adult

Book Type:Digital

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"Have you ever wondered what life behind the curtains of the rich is like? Well here's an exclusive. Chloe as a child lost her parents and was taken to the orphanage home where she had to take on difficulties till she was 10... The lawyer of her late parents came to explain to her and her nanny about her inheritance according to the instructions left by her late parents... Chloe lived a lie all through her life to the point where her name was a lie.... With the help of her parents most trusted worker she took on the challenge of the world to continue her parents legacy... She built and created companies around the world at her tender age... She left her birth country "Canada" and traveled all around.... Her biggest achievement if it must be said was the school she put in place "Empire academy"...Now known worldwide EMPIRE ACADEMY was a must go school for every child but there was an hindrance... To get into EMPIRE u must be among the best of the best... Money wise...Chloe faces new challenges, shocking news, relationship problems and many more. Will Chloe ever catch a break from the world??

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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