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The Paris catacombs. The city’s subterranean shadow. Hundreds of kilometers of tunnels. A land of history and legend, where the underground explorer treads a fine line between reality and irreality. As the top inspector on the counter-terror squad, Khalid Sadiqi thought he knew everything there was to know about the City of Light’s weak spots. But this is new. This is the City of Dark. Seeking to learn more about the world below the city, Sadiqi stumbles on the impish help of Antonia Corrigan. The vibrant young engineer heartens the jaded inspector. Not only can she wend her way through her underground playground with lively agility, she also knows all the myths and legends that will prove to be the key to unlocking the mysteries. But will her knowledge of the tunnels below ground be enough to stop the mayhem above?


"Most people nowadays are too busy worrying whether they've got the right animal sewn on their polo shirt to think about exploring the quarries. I'm not into consumer society. I prefer the atmosphere below. Life underground isn't about the illusion of appearances. It's raw down here. It's real. You can be yourself."

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781072133216

ISBN-10: 1072133210


Language: English

Pages: 415

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


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