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Tempting Darkness




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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First, they killed my parents. So, I did the most rational thing at the time. I ran. Now I find myself at crossroads, as I am being hunted by werewolves in an unfamiliar city, and I had to weigh up my alternatives, both unappealing. Neither option had any sense of hope for me. I would be condemned. Fae were the most powerful creatures in the world. As long as we had magic and our mate. Not one of my four mates was a good option, each one as brutal and cruel as the other. Darius was a demonic-Fae, Tobias Vampiric-Fae, then there is Lycus he is a Were-Fae and last was Kalen, Pure Dark-Fae, and they had been hunting me just like these wolves for years. But now, running low on magic and faced with death. I am left with two choices, let off a flare of my magic and beg for help, or die. Now, I have found myself forced into a bond I never wanted, but I was out of options, and I just had to pray they would have mercy on me.

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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