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My Jealous Husband




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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After Noella returned from her sister's wedding, she got drunk. Accidentally, she went to a wrong room and slept with a bossy billionaire, Yoseff. To get rid of her one-night stand, Noella asked how much should she pay for Yoseff's loss last night, which aroused his interest. Usually, women were waiting in line to climb onto Yoseff's bed, but he showed no interest in them. This time, he can't forget the taste of Noella. Then, he deceived her into moving in his mansion. Unexpectedly, Noella met Yoseff's brother and fell for him. Yoseff was jealous so he imprisoned Noella in his bed and kept punishing her day and night...

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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