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Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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Thirteen Years Ago "Daddy, please! Please, don't leave us. Please!" The tiny child was sobbing hysterically, clinging to his pants. The man moved with purpose, uncaring, dragging the little girl. No! She didn't let go. How she wished her hands were bigger so she could surround his limb with enough force to make him stop. Unconcerned. Irritation marring his features. It was no use. The small frame that was her body got drag along. He continued to walk towards the door. "Leave him be, brat. He doesn't want us anymore." No! That was not true. She was daddy's little girl. He loved her. He read her stories at night and he would always bring her chocolates. Her swollen eyes pleaded with him. "Please, daddy. Don't leave me." He doesn't even look at her. His face was graven and his hands were clenched. His anger was palpable and he looked outside where his car was parked. The engine was left running. Dad shook his head, removed her hands around him none too gently. She stumbled when he p

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English



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