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His Billionaire Ex Wife




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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After five years of a fruitless and loveless marriage to Lucien Albrecht, a business tycoon in Seattle, Ariadne was finally at her wits end. Her husband proposed a divorce on the night of their fifth anniversary, never knowing how much she had forsaken for his love. With a broken heart, Ariadne severed all ties with him for good, going back to her previous identity…. the Heiress of Grey Enterprise. However, never in a thousand years had she thought, when she decided back to be Alexandra Grey, Lucien turned to be the one who wanted Ariadne Albrecht back. Torn between the constant power struggle at the company and her ex-husband's watchful gaze, could the young CEO finally gain her set goal? "Vying for the position of Mrs. Albrecht?" Alexandra couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped her lips. "I'd much rather build my own empire than be some man's trophy wife."

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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