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Walks with Sam




Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Pets & Animals, Society & Culture

Book Type:Print & Digital

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A man, his dog, and a long walk can lead to unexpected discoveries. In the tradition of many literary walkers, David W. Berner sets out on foot hoping to reexamine his life, look back and forward, and most importantly, through the help of his young dog, Sam, try to find harmony in new beginnings and the uncertainties of the present. In a series of chapters, each dedicated to one walk during a summer of hiking, the author finds that it is his beloved pet that allows him to awaken to a new spirit of mindfulness, finding beauty, wonder, and comfort in the ordinary, and to see a life, a neighborhood, and even a country with brand new eyes. Publishers Weekly: "Berner's plainspoken manner reveals moments of true enlightenment. Dog lovers and spirtualists will adore this." NetGalley: "I haven't smiled this much at a book in quite a while." "This is a sweet book from a sincere, thoughtful soul. As Thoreau found the whole world in his saunterings around Concord, Berner finds it walking his beloved dog Sam in an ordinary suburban neighborhood. His musings have a lovely, quiet inwardness, as he contemplates youth and age, continuity and change, community and solitude, love and envy, mourning and celebration, all with the subtle guidance of the dog he calls "the most mindful monk I know, a teacher of the perfect way to move in the world." --Dean Sluyter, author of Natural Meditation and Fear Less "Thoroughly delightful. David W. Berner describes his beloved dog Sam as "a teacher of the perfect way to move in the world." And with that, Berner embarks on a season of dog walks, mindfully following Sam's lead in opening himself more fully to the thoughts, perceptions, and encounters that cross their path. Effortlessly runs the gamut from the profundity of Berner's musing on mortality, to the surprises that lurk within the seemingly mundane. A lovely testimony to the ways in which intention transforms our experience of our own lives." --Barbara Monier, author of Pushing the River

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781789044980

ISBN-10: 1789044987

Publisher: Roundfire Books


Language: English

Keywords: , , ,


David W. Berner is an award-winning author, broadcaster and journalist, whose career honors include the position of Writer-in-Residence at the Jack Kerouac Project and the Ernest Hemingway Foundation. He lives outside Chicago, Illinois.

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