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The Returned Luna




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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“Get out of my castle!” Laura gazed at the man shouted in front of her, her husband and the prince of kingdom. She did everything she could to become a good luna, but the prince still abandoned her. Because she wasn't his mate. Until Laura was killed, she didn't know where her mate was...Moon Goddess took pity on her and gave her a second life. Now she is no longer Luna Laura, but Laurel miller, a beautiful seventeen year old country girl who is happy and free to enjoy her life. The day the werewolf kingdom defeats the vampires, she climbs the trees to find the triumphant army, and a godlike man appears in her sight. ***Her mate.*** The king of the werewolf kingdom and the undefeated god of war: Adolph Raymond -- and also her father-in-law she's never met. “Will you come with me and be my wife and luna?” Would she?

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Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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