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A Dementia Carer Poems Book 2 (Dementia, Caregiving and Grief - Poems from A to J)




Genres: Nonfiction, Poetry, Self Help & Relationships

Book Type:Print & Digital

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Throughout the mixture of poems within this book the author soul searches his thoughts, feelings and reactions on how the topics chosen have affected him as an individual and as a person witnessing what dementia did to a loved one. The words he has written come from a mind, body and soul weary from taking on the burdensome task of caring, but with great pleasure knowing He had the time to really give back to a father who was so much more to him. He was his teacher, his drinking buddy, his friend and his confidant, so every minute he gave back caring even though very stressful, was so fulfilling at the same time. This is book two of the A Dementia Carer Poems series and part one which contains poems in alphabetical order from A to J. The poems are on the topics of Dementia, Caregiving and Grief which he has written and compiled since his father’s death.


Call it Dementia Life at an impasse Submerged in an hourglass Squeezed by time Unsure of night or day Cocooned out of the way Locked in one's mind Existence declined Memory an uncertainty Body succumbed to frailty Creating fearfulness Add nervousness Sometimes hysteria Call it dementia

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9798597364483

Publisher: T.J. Hübner


Language: English

Pages: 105

Interior: BW



T.J. Hübner is a British poet who came to poetry late in life at the age of 45 and has since used it as a way to express his feelings and thoughts. T.J has used his poetry to release the pain and stress felt in to words with the hope his poetry helps anyone going through or has gone through a similar pain of watching a loved one suffer a terminal illness.

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