You can follow Jane's daily discussion of sexuality on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LrnAbtSexuality, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/learn-about-sexuality/ and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learnaboutsexuality/!
Or alternatively, you can read her books: https://www.lovesexintimacy.org/stories/books and watch her videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_HRmwAP4vkkKhDjl48szg. You can also contact Jane directly by email: jane.thomas[at]nosper.com.
Jane's work includes the evidence for her conclusions:
(1) Presenting the evolutionary precedents
(2) Contrasting sexual behaviours according to sex and orientation
(3) Explaining how orgasm is achieved regardless of sex and orientation
(4) Interpreting the sex research findings
(5) Demonstrating that no one can explain porno orgasms.
Note: Porno orgasms are those that we see women apparently having with a lover in erotic fiction and pornography (that are unsupported by any facts, logic or research findings).
Submitted Books
Women's Sexual Behaviours & Responses
Genres: Self Help & Relationships
Book Type:Print
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