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Pastonkik: Aki v.2




Genres: Arts & Photography, Reference, Travel & Leisure

Book Type:Print

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The Pastonkik book series is a collection of photographs by Kimberly J Tilley. The books are 18 in total with over 600 photographs. They are set up more scientifically than portfolio like, as there is information to go along with the pictures. Pastonkik is from the Abenaki language and it means, In the U.S. This book, Aki v.2, is a selection of monochrome landscape photographs. The selected images include photographs taken in locations of the northeast, mid-west and pacific northwest, such as The White Mountains, and the Arches, Yellowstone, Mount Rainier National Parks.

Book Details

Book Type: Print

ISBN-13: 9781006767968

Edition: 1

Publisher: Blurb


Language: English

Pages: 50

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


Kimberly J Tilley (1979) lives in New Hampshire, USA where she spends most of her time tending to her family and dreaming up more art to create. Occasionally she takes a break from managing her print-on-demand shops and creating new artwork to pull together her art books. She is a nature photographer by trade but dives into other art forms too.

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