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The Shade of Betrayal




Genres: Romance

Book Type:Digital

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WARNING: This Novel is R-18 (Contain's Mature content (18+), Strong Abuse and Whole Lot of torture Acts, Kindly read at you own risk) ------ "SHE WAS VIRGIN” I cursed under my breath upon seeing her unconscious naked figure lying under me.Erica escaped New York after she took revenge from Samara Singh by burning her alive in her mansion to avenge her elder brother Mike who was gang raped by samara’s bodyguards however Erica was completely unaware of danger that was awaiting for her in future, ‘Samrat Singh’ a Ruthless, Brutal and Vicious Billionaire also elder step brother of Samara Singh who is determined to Break Erica in every way’s possible for destroying samara’s life.But that's not all, Samrat is completely unaware erica's true identity, she is an enigma who he yet have to unfold.Erica and mike they themselves hold some Dark and Bitter past also that have their very own personal agenda to fulfil which will shatter every single perfect life around them...!Follow us on journey of ‘RED: The shade of Betrayal’ to unfold our 'Dark Romance' tale which is filled with utter suspense and thrill ----------------- (Also If you all wish to see face's of our character for 'RED: The shade of Betrayal' and 'RAVAN' then do checkout my insta account valentinestories_1728)

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

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