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A short story of five young adults just getting out of college, that are looking for fun for the summer. Paige, a confident girl from the small town of Watford, decides with a group of friends that they should go on a camping trip up to Rich Valley Creek. Little did they know the dark secrets of Rich Valley Creek and the accident that happened there, but locals are not shy to tell them about the horrific tales either.. Author of "The Soulless Man Series"

Book Details

James Skillman was born in a small town in Pennsylvania, living most his life in the countryside town of Reynoldsville. He started writing when he was a teenager. He wrote poetry and dark poetry at first and had some of his works published at a young age. He has had an interest in everything horror from movies to books and also games since he was a kid. Interests including movies, reading, writing, games and adventuring, rather it be in a car, looking at new places, or walking in the woods. You can follow him on twitter at @Ginger_beardTV or follow his horror gaming at-

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