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The Invisible Mitzvah: Memoirs of a Ghostwriter




Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, History, Nonfiction



Book Type:Print & Digital

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This book is my ribald, facetious, fiction based on fact memoirs. It recounts actual love affairs I had with the famous and the infamous among men of the last three centuries. I'm a book ghostwriter. But my primary purpose in life was to save human lives by fighting forest fires. Other than that, I was a home health care aide for the Independent Living Movement. And as President of Ghost Writer, Inc. I have spent over 16 years arranging the publication of well over 500 books, scripts, screenplays, music pieces, business documents and other ghostwritten works. Well, that was it by acclamation. It's your life stories and books, screenplays, scripts, music, art, business documents and other wonderful stuff that matters the most to me. Meanwhile, my memoirs cover the ground mostly of what I've done along the lines of being inspired by other people and their books, movies, TV appearances, and my many loves and lovers. I was assigned at school to study the Holocaust and one of the evilest men in human history. With whom I found myself being inadvertently attracted, once I began to reason things out. Evil wasn't what I found so attractive. So I set out to do good in my life, to make up for some major human losses. Also, the National Parks and Recreation Department and the US Forestry Services, plus President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, not to mention Malcolm X and Dr. King, pointed in the direction I wished to go. I ended up preventing two forest fires in Washington State. The biggest one was on the night of June 16-17th of 1986. Ghost Writer, Inc. started as an idea by a 14-year-old girl. In the basement of our family house, in 1974. I was reading Marvel Comics about Stan Lee’s Bullpen when it dawned on me – I didn’t like comic books, I liked real books! They were more adult and made much better intellectual sense. On the spot, I dreamed up Rainbow Writing, Inc. I decided to send ghostwriting work out to a bullpen like Stan Lee’s. But mine would be a cattle pen of ghosts. Men and women, no children. Black and white, brown, different countries. Seattle, Chicago, New York City. Los Angeles, London, Bangladesh. Much later January 2003, RWI online and I began sending work out. Rebranded the company as Ghost Writer, Inc. in 2011. Getting more business than I could handle. I’m expecting the floodgates to open. They already have, but not yet. Over the years, GWI expanded. To provide all types of ghostwriting services. We do books, film screenplays, TV scripts, plays, research, music, lyrics, Hollywood soundtracks, speeches, business documents…anything you name, we can staff it. Our motto is, “We do it All!” From short stories, poetry, work and academic statements, children’s through adult literature, all types and every genre. We specialize in memoirs and science fiction, plus business nonfiction books. As to awards, we’ve won dozens of them for our writing and editing skills. Including the Literary Arts Association award for books, inclusion in The Library of Congress (not remunerated, voluntarily inclusion), several and awards. Academy awards, Emmys, Golden Globes, Tellies and several other awards for films made from our ghost’s screenplays. My business is a one-woman effort by a differently abled freelance writer. I have health issues. Am overcoming them. Lots of fear, lots of pain and pleasure. Through the years, I ghost wrote 50+ books, some of which became NYT and Amazon best sellers. However, largely I have fulfilled my dream of sending work out to other writers. I have people on my team with dozens of bestselling books, under their names and those of their clients. I have given many people their start as a professional writer. We have bestsellers nowadays who started out as students. I gave them a chance through GWI. And now a decent lot of them are golden! Plus this, I am staying in business for as long as I possibly can, while writing more of my own books on the fly.


This book is my ribald, facetious, fiction based on fact memoirs. It recounts actual love affairs I had with the famous and the infamous among men of the last three centuries. I'm a book ghostwriter. But my primary purpose in life was to save human lives by fighting forest fires. Other than that, I was a home health care aide for the Independent Living Movement. And as President of Ghost Writer, Inc. I have spent over 16 years arranging the publication of well over 500 books, scripts, screenplays, music pieces, business documents and other ghostwritten works.

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