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Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal

Book Type:Print & Digital

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When an ancient vampire arrives in Los Angeles, and finds a young shapeshifter in need of his help, Flavius Metellus and Heaven Bliss are both drawn into the deadly games of intrigue that make up the court politics of the Vampire Great Houses. Together they must fight against the hostile supernatural elements hunting them if they want to survive. With vampire politics, there is only one certainty. They always end in blood.

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital


Language: English

Pages: 203

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


R. Lee Moore is a veteran of the United States Army currently living in Southern California who is rarely seen without a big cup of coffee in his hand. When he isn't writing and drinking far to much coffee for a human being to safely consume, he spends his time trying to convince his three cats that he's the one that's actually in charge.

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