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Genres: Paranormal, Romance

Book Type:Print & Digital

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James squeezed her waist to prove to himself that she was real, and when he spoke, the words matched the love that spilled from his heart; words that would haunt her for all of eternity. “I'm not afraid anymore.” In the Fall of 1985, Jameson Brooks spends his days working for Frank's Moving. At night, he attempts to fill the void of an empty heart with one-night stands, fueled by alcoholic binges. Lina is a dancer, and a lonely spirit. She isn't interested in the advances of the handsome, yet rough bachelor that lives above her. Her demons still follow her. Her abusive husband's ghost lingers, along with that of a very shady newspaper editor. When Lina disappears, love fuels James' drive to discover the truth by using the clue hidden in the note he finds underneath his door. "Postscript" is a ghost story, a love story, and a story that will make you believe. It includes horror elements and flashbacks to the early 1900s in Prohibition Canada.


He reached for her hand and kissed her open palm. That simple gesture took her to a place that was foreign to her; a place she had only ever discovered in the stanzas of the most beautiful poetry in the world. He tamed a few strands of hair. His thumb gently brushed her wine-stained lips. He was aroused by an amorous tale, he longed to tell. “May I kiss you?”

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital


Language: English

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


Despite being a multi-genre author, I enjoy writing dark stories the most. There's something hauntingly beautiful about the dark and mysterious side of life.

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