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Sun Rays




Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Teen & Young Adult




Book Type:Print & Digital

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Ray Bennet has been trying to forget the pain of her past for far too long when Kyle Walker moves into town, bringing mystery and excitement. Though Ray has never been interested in much more than her studies, she finds herself captivated by his intensity. It isn't too long before she discovers Kyle is hiding a secret about a world of Sorcery, a world he originates from. Though this new world intrigues Ray, it just might be connected to her painful past.

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781638813422

ISBN-10: 1638813426

Publisher: CB Jensen


Language: English

Pages: 236



I am the author of the book Sun Rays! It is the start to a trilogy. I have a love for books and writing. I love being able to escape into a different world when I read. Writing is a very therapeutic for my soul in a world full of stress. Hope I can give that same feeling of relief to someone else.

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