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Tainted Secrets




Genres: Romance, Suspense, Thriller

Book Type:Digital

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Scarlett Martinez escaped from her abusive married life but now she needs a different identity to hide. Being married to a underboss of Mafia only means their men working all over the country and they are looking for her. So when Ezra Knight is searching for a woman to work as his maid, she planned to play the role perfectly by changing her identity. Ezra Knight is in a crisis after his house keeper's sudden suicide attempt. His problem gets critical when the incident gets viral in every news channel. Headlines quoted in bold letters, "Red In Knight Industries's Ledger!" Getting a new maid for his house became a big problem until a perfect woman catches his eyes. Ezra knows lusting over his new maid is wrong especially when she looks so broken but can he resist his desire? What happens when Scarlett's husband comes back to take what's rightfully his?


"I want to love you more.” “You don’t mean it.” She shakes her head at him and pushes his body off of her but he doesn’t budge instead he catches her hand in his fist and brings it to his lips to kiss. “Let me show you that I’m capable of loving you,” he pleads with his eyes. “I can’t- I’m your employee; I’m your maid. This is wrong Ezra.” She objects. “I don’t care, all I care is you."

Book Details

Book Type: Digital

Edition: 1

Publisher: Riya Sarkar


Language: English

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , , ,


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