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Winda escapes slavery only to face Pakwis, the Ojibwa chief, again when she needs his help. She fears that he will want his slave back and she will lose the man she loves. But without his help, they could be attacked by the Americans who are receiving shipments of a newer and more powerful rifle than the Brown Bess that the people in Upper Canada are using. Lucas Sievers is a trapper and as wild as the Indians. He drifts between cultures, and many men fear him. Yet, he is gentle and will fight to the death for the one woman who can tame him. As they ride across the country in search of an outlaw, Lucas watches Pakwis closely, knowing full well of his feelings for Winda. Grant Sievers hadn't seen his brother in many years. When they do meet up again, Grant is in the middle of an investigation. His main objective is to arrest Dusty Blackman and stop him from smuggling guns across the border. But Dusty's wife, Carrie, proves to be a distraction. Carrie's dream of a romantic wedding is shattered when her father forces her to marry Dusty. He takes her to across the country and leaves her in the wilderness alone. The only chance she has in escaping from him is with the help of her new friend, Winda.

Book Details

Book Type: Print & Digital

ISBN-13: 9781543227031

ISBN-10: 1543227031


Language: English

Pages: 336

Keywords: , , , ,


Deborah Tadema received a diploma in “Short Story and Fiction Writing.” Following this, she completed three levels of a creative writing course. She currently belongs to a writing group and has her work critiqued on a regular basis. She is the author of The Honor Series, and The Sievers Series. Plus Bessie: The Monster in Lake Erie. And Silent Wings. Deb grew up in Port Stanley, Ontario, the eldest of six children. She met her first husband in high school, moved to St. Thomas and had two daughters. Many years later she gained two stepsons when she married her current husband. They have nine grandchildren and live near the village of Bayfield.

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