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Mail Order Bride: Renegade Bride (A Clean Western Historical Romance) (Headed for Salvation Mail Order Bride Book 1)




Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance, Westerns

Book Type:Digital

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Mary Ann Lawyer is a young woman stalked by misfortune. Barely married for three years with a career soldier she finds herself a widow and at the mercy of a ruthless landlord. She is given an ultimatum. Either she agrees to become her disgusting landlord’s new trophy wife or he will take her virtue anyway. Desperate she decides to become a mail order bride and starts writing to a cowboy in the West. In her haste to escape she only knows her beau is young, wealthy and willing to marry quickly. When she finally meets her intended, she realizes he is not what he made himself seem. Has she fallen out of the frying pan into the fire? But in the mist of this turmoil she meets Cassidy Mulligan. Who is this mysterious cowboy that makes her heart beat like nothing she has experienced before? The Renegade Bride is a Clean Western Historical Romance about a mail order bride in desperate circumstances headed for salvation out West. Each story can be read as a standalone but if you wish to read about the other stories these are available for just $0.99 or ALWAYS FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Hope Sinclair writes clean, inspirational, western romance stories that always have a good old fashioned happy ending.

Book Details

Group of Indie authors publishing Clean and Wholesome romance books on Amazon. Main Authors are Regina Darcy and Hope Sinclair. Author page below:

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