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Silver Fire




Genres: Fantasy


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What starts as an innocent quest to follow the unicorn's trail, turns into a sinister nightmare. “I was so happy to find a book that truly captivated my imagination from beginning to end.” K Johnstone Banished from their village, Otta, and her twin brother Erl, (who has lost his memory), must stay ahead of those who seek to kill them. Learning how to follow the unicorn's trail and deal with her brother's dark side, Otta must keep them both safe as she attempts to follow the commands of a shrineless god. This epic fantasy tale begins the saga of The Kaerling.


Nervously Otta stepped into the glade and breathed in the warm air. To her right she passed a bower that perhaps had been Starling’s shelter. Slowly she walked towards the altar and not knowing what else to do, Otta laid the Weird Stones on the flat surface of the block. Then she waited. What she was waiting for she did not know. All she knew was that something large and alive, something breathing fire into her veins was there in the glade. She didn’t know if she was scared or overjoyed. The feeling that something or someone was watching her grew stronger and she turned round to face the entrance of the clearing. At that moment a voice spoke.

Book Details

Book Type: Digital


Language: English

Pages: 161

Interior: BW

Keywords: , , ,


My aim in life is to enchant, entertain and engage with readers through my writing.

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